If you’re like me you’ve probably been happily working on a web project in chrome or firefox; using console.log to debug and then tried the site out in IE and had it fail due to a javascript error. The error? console is undefined of course. Here is my simple and very limited solution to the problem. At the beginning of my site, before any other javascript is defined I have this little snippet:

var console = console || {
log : function(text){
do nothing.. this prevents us from having errors
in ie when we accidentally leave console.log calls in the js code
on deployment:

if we want a cheap console in ie just add alert(text); to this outside the


Basically what this does is it checks to see if console is defined, if so it returns the already defined console object. If the console object isn’t defined, then it returns a new object that contains a method of log. The log method takes in a value and then does nothing with it. The comment block tells you how you can make it do a bit more. There are plenty of more feature rich solutions to this problem out there but, in general, this works for me. It’s lightweight and easy to use. I hope it saves you a few tiny headaches in the future.

Update, I had a small issue today where the aforementioned wasn’t working in IE8 - I’m not sure why. So here is an alternative:

var console = console || {
console = { log: function(text){alert('text'); } }



Thanks Michael. I have used some other similar libraries before but, oftentimes, I don’t need/want anything that heavy and this little snippet fills the bill perfectly.

Typically I try to make sure there is no left over code buried in my JS that calls console.log, but, occassionally I miss it so having this tucked away in my production code prevents any silly mistakes from causing a JS error in production on IE.


Our intranet is primarily IE so I do must of my testing with it and also wanted to be able to log to the console. Then I discovered fauxconsole. Works great, although it does require linking to JS/CSS files but I limit the use of it to my development environment.


Great post. I’ve definitely felt your pain.