SocialThing + looks like a great marriage. Now I can post to all and view from all in one centralized place. Sweetness.
Basically, after setting up a account (and associating all my other social accounts with it) I then setup a SocialThing account. Social Thing is a life streaming service. Basically that means they aggregate all the bits and pieces of data that normally flows on all your different services like twitter and facebook and displays them in one neat and easy to read place. However, SocialThing also now has integrated with so you can post a note to then propogates that post out to all those same services.
Before the integration occured you were stuck having to go to (or some similar service) and post your message then you had to go to SocialThing (or some similar service) to read all your friends posts/updates. It was clunky. Now, however, it is a one stop shop of social goodness. You can post your status update/microblog message and follow everyone elses activity all from the same place.