In my prior posts about an IE DOM Gotcha I talked about how to insert a radio button into the DOM dynamically in a fashion that worked in both IE and Firefox but still failed to work properly in Opera. The problem wasn’t getting the radio button in place - but rather getting it to function as a radio button. The initial problem in IE was that the radio button couldn’t be selected. Once the IE/FF solution was found the same problem persisted in Opera. Today, a guy named Torbjorn Gyllebring sent me a function that he believes takes care of all of our radio-insertion needs.

I honestly haven’t had a chance to test it out yet - but I didn’t see anything alarming in a casual glance. Please try it out and see how it works for you. I’d be particularly interested in hearing how it works in various Mac and Linux browsers.

\-----[ Browswer.js follows ]-----

Browser facade to smooth over the worst misstakes that IE does.

function Browser(){}

Browser.initIE = function()
Browser.createInput = function(name)
var element = document.createElement("<input name='" + name + "'>");
if(element.toString() == "[object HTMLElement]")//detect Opera masquerade
return Browser.createInput(name);
else//skip future checks
Browser.createInput = function(name){ return
document.createElement("<input name='" + name + "'>");}
return element;

Browser.init = function()
Browser.createInput = function(name)
var element = document.createElement("input"); = name;
return element;

if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")