As soon as I think I have it all worked out I bump into another oddity between Firefox and IE and handling the DOM. Specifically adding a radio button (or set of them) dynamically.

My initial javascript went something like this:

var rdo = document.createElement('input');
rdo.type = 'radio'; = 'someUniqueID'; = 'myRadio';
rdo.value = 1;


This almost worked perfectly. The input was added, it was a radio button, but it was totally unselectable. I could select it via javascript but the normal “click” event didn’t cause the radio button to assume the “selected” state in IE? What gives?

Well, I don’t know what gives but it turns out I can’t assign the type independently of creating a radio control. Instead, I have to create my radio object like so:

var rdo = document.createElement("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"fldID\"

By specifying the type during the creation process the radio button was then selectable in the normal manner. This method works inboth IE and FF.

Update: 9 May 2006 Well, as has been reported by many people I was crazy when I said this technique worked in both IE and Firefox. What was I thinking? It doesn’t work in Firefox at all. However, there is a fairly easy solution that will insert a selectable radio button in both IE and Firefox - however, I’m sorry to say, it doesn’t work in Opera. Damn these browsers; well, really, damn IE for not working properly - and damn Opera for not throwing an error when we use IE’s crazy syntax.

So here is the javascript that is needed to create a radio button that will work in IE and Firefox:

rdo = document.createElement('<input type="radio" name="fldID" />');
rdo = document.createElement('input');

Here is a demo page - just view the page source to see what I am doing and how it works. If anyone has a good solution that will work in all three browsers please let me know.

Final Update (18 July 2008) - the demo page is also updated to reflect this change.

rdo = document.createElement('<input type="radio" name="fldID" />');
rdo = document.createElement('input');

That works in IE 7, FF 3, Opera 9, and Safari 3.1 for windows.