In using this Blog I have written about a wide variety of topics in a very casual way. Most of the time that is sufficient for the topic but sometimes I want to present a more complete discussion of a topic; almost like an article.
So, with that said I am going to attempt to start writing more in depth articles on a variety of development subjects. They will almost all touch on ColdFusion but not all. I will also write up a couple “unobtrusive” javascript stories and maybe some Ajax just for the heck of it.
If I get the time I will even try to write about porting some simple applications between various platforms just to illustrate the differences (CF
- PHP - Ruby) mostly.
I also want to be a bit more like some of the other frequent contributers to the development blog-o-sphere and release some code to the general public in a useful format. Before I start doing that though I want to clean some of it up and present it much like Massimo did with his TMT Validator (I love the way he documented his stuff).
This means there will be fewer “opinion” pieces and more “resources” here hopefully. Well, so long as I can stop being lazy and actually produce!