Using Jackcess to read Access Files with ColdFusion

Before I get into the code though let me defend my usage of MS Access. Basically, I support a legacy Coldfusion application that has to routinely import data from uploaded Access databases into an Oracle database. Thus, I have to...

CF 11 and Stored Procedures with Named Parameters

Up to this point none of my customers had upgraded to CF 11. Some have been hanging out at CF9 and others have long since moved to CF 10. However, this week one moved to CF 11 and we ran...

Move from IIS to Apache with Coldfusion 11

This post is mostly to help a customer switch his current configuration. I have no access to his server and need to help him get Coldfusion 11 working properly. He currently has it installed and connected to IIS but it...

Creating an Angular 1.x Service for Consumption by JSPM using ES6

My coworker Jason and I have been working on a Angular 1.x application that we’ve been writing using ES6 and compiling into standard EcmaScript using Babel via a gulp build task. I was doing a minor review of some of...

Ruby Round Robin Scheduling

Background I play kickball in an adult league and this season our league manager ran into a problem with creating the schedule. He tried to do it by hand but eventually everything started to blur so he kind of gave...