Angular ng-options Specify The Value

I have more trouble remembering how the syntax of ng-options works than I really want to admit to publicly - but if i don’t then the need for this post won’t be evident. So, here it is. I am horrible...

Generate All Months Between Two Dates with Oracle

I have been working on an app that has a really slow report. The report has to look across two entities; one table and another view. The view is constructed by a union across six other materialized views. It’s a...

Closing Tag Requirements of ColdFusion

I use Atom as my primary code editor of late and one thing I really like in it is the automatic code beautification of atom-beautifier. It works great on my html and javascript projects. However, that cool feature isn’t extended...

JSPM Bundling Options

Bundling is a pretty handy concept when working with javascript projects. Bundling looks at your javascript source, finds all of the files and javascript dependencies, and squashes them all into one file that can then be minified. Thus, when your...

Introducing ColdJack - a Coldfusion Wrapper to Jackcess

Earlier today I wrote a brief post on using Jackcess - a java library for manipulating MS Access databases. Now I’m following that up with a new Coldfusion component I call “ColdJack” that is a wrapper cfc for Jackcess. It...