I’m mostly hoping someone can comment on this with some guidance to explain why my apache configuration for a virtual host didn’t work.

I’m on a dev machine using Apache webserver v2.4 on windows 10. I created a virtual host called warp2016.com like so:

    DocumentRoot "c:/dev/websites/wcs2016/site/"
    ServerAdmin nobody@nowhere.com
    ServerName warp2016.com
    ServerAlias *.warp2016.com
    ErrorLog c:/dev/websites/wcs2016/log/server.log

I also have a hosts entry for warp2016 that points to; however, whenever I try to hit warp2016.com I get the default directory index and not the one specified by this DocumentRoot

If I change the host entry and the domain name info in the virtual host to warptest it works fine:

    DocumentRoot "c:/dev/websites/wcs2016/site/"
    ServerAdmin nobody@nowhere.com
    ServerName warptest.com
    ServerAlias *.warptest.com
    ErrorLog c:/dev/websites/wcs2016/log/server.log

I have a few different virutal hosts, all with just alpha characters in the name and they all work fine (all on but for some reason when I added the numbers to the domain name it failed to work.
